Our consultants have in-depth knowledge and experience of integrated planning and reporting. Vicky van Heerden’s role prior to joining Localise was focused on developing performance reporting related to the IPR framework in WA. Her background includes integrated planning in a senior management role in South Africa. Alison Dalziel has been involved in strategic and corporate planning under the framework since its inception. She was also instrumental in initiating, designing and delivering the LGMA IPR Master Class series and WALGA Elected Members workshops, both funded by the Department of Local Government. Mark Dacombe was a CEO leading the implementation of IPR in a metropolitan local government. Both Mark and Alison have experience in integrated planning and reporting in New Zealand and each contributed to the development of the Local Government Act 2002 which completed New Zealand’s suite of integrated planning requirements.
We specialise in strategic and corporate planning, including strategic community plans, issue specific strategies, workforce plans and corporate business plans.
We work with our clients to design high quality processes for community engagement and are highly experienced facilitators.
We dont believe in shelf-sitters!
We will assist you to create real plans that meet the “four A’s” test:
- Aspirational: guided by the communitys vision and priorities
- Affordable: able to be afforded by the community
- Adaptable: can respond to changing circumstances while maintaining financial sustainability
- Attractive: will inspire others to invest in the vision