The latest report on the state of Australian Cities has been released. State of Australian Cities 2013 shows what’s happening to urban population and settlement and looks at productivity, sustainability and liveability. It also addresses governance in Australia’s...
Are you implementing Systems Leadership? Localise is pleased to be affiliated with Advanced Dynamics – a world leading company in applying systems thinking to leadership and culture. Advanced Dynamics are holding a Systems Leadership Forum...
New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has released a report on Economic Linkages within Auckland. The report examines the main economic linkages (labour market, transport and firms linkages) within the Auckland city-system and identifies...
Congratulations to Ian Cowie, Chief Executive Officer, City of Gosnells for his 2013 IPAA WA Achievement Award. Ian received the Corruption and Crime Commission Award Leader of the Year Working in Local Government. Ian has been the CEO at...
Following an earlier post on youth social action, I discovered a WA initiative called Kids Who Give, which aims to raise “a generation of socially aware, caring, young Western Australians”. This is targeted at a...
New research from the UK Association for Public Service Excellence has found that if you want innovation in local government service delivery, tapping into the ideas and knowledge of frontline council staff is a good...
Many local governments have an intent to engage their young people in community and civic life. This report from Demos in the UK may be of interest. It explores the engagement of youth (10-20 years)...
We attended the Committee for Perth Perth in Focus luncheon on Thursday 27 June, which explored the issue of local government reform, the difference between amalgamation and integration and the impact for the future of the Perth...
Another innovative city plan – this time in the energy arena. See here for Dunedin City’s discussion paper as it embarks on the development of its first Energy Plan.
The City of Joondalup has wasted no time in preparing for the opportunities and challenges presented by digital technologies and broadband services. It is the first local government in the Perth metropolitan area to go down...